California State University Fullerton, USA (CSUF)/Institute for Biotechnology Research, National University of San Martín, Argentina (IIB-UNSAM)
Academic Link
A path to MS and PhD degrees
Students admitted to a MS program in certain departments at CSUF can apply for admission to the CSUF/IIB-INTECH-UNSAM MS-PhD path. Students in this linked program will have the opportunity to earn a MS degree from CSUF and a PhD degree from IIB-INTECH-UNSAM.
The following is a summary of steps and requirements. The full conditions and requirements are detailed in the LINKAGE PROGRAM AGREEMENT between CSUF and IIB-INTECH-UNSAM.
Interested students should contact Dr. Marcelo Tolmasky (657-278-5263, for further details.
Applicants must submit a letter of interest to Dr. Tolmasky . Students who are admitted to the MS-PhD linkage program will select a research project topic in consultation with their thesis committee and the joint program's Selection and Oversight Committee.
Students will be bound by all CSUF university and program requirements to earn their MS degree and their progress will be periodically evaluated by the Selection and Oversight Committee.
Towards the end of the MS program, the Selection and Oversight Committee, together with the student's thesis committee, will perform an evaluation that, if successful, will permit them to apply for admission into the IIB-INTECH-UNSAM PhD program. The specific procedures for attaining this milestone will be determined by each participating CSUF department and program.
The IIB-INTECH-UNSAM PhD program may accept coursework taken at CSUF as part of the student's graduate study plan to allow the student to focus his/her efforts on research during the PhD program.
The students are expected to complete the MS program in two years and the PhD program in an additional three years.
Interested students should discuss application procedures as well as details and requirements with Dr. Tolmasky and prospective thesis advisors at CSUF .